All Classes and Interfaces

The abstract PositionIterator for BlockBox
The action
The builder for the Action
The input for the ActionBuilder
An advanced ButtonMap that uses Mask
The air button
The amount modifier
The animated button with child buttons as frames
The animated mask with child masks as frames
The annotated Config, where any fields can be assigned to the config with the annotation ConfigPath.
Calculate the average number
Ex: AVG(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
An abstraction of Client with Setting
BaseDisplay<H extends Holder<?>>
A simple implementation of Display
A simple implementation of Holder
The base class for Mask
An abstraction of SqlClient
The batch builder for continuous updating
A runnable that runs a batch of tasks in sequence
A custom box to bound blocks
A simple scoreboard for Minestom.
The action to broadcast a message
The simple builder
The function element
The utility class to register Action to the ActionBuilder
The block adapter for Bukkit
The Bukkit implementation of CancellableEvent
The Bukkit implementation of ClickEvent
The Bukkit implementation of CloseEvent
The bukkit configuration
The factory to load ExpansionDescription from a Bukkit YAML file
The Converter for Bukkit's ConfigurationSerializable
The ConverterProvider for Bukkit
The Drag event
The GUIDisplay for Bukkit
The GUIHolder for Bukkit
The Listener for BukkitGUIHolder and BukkitGUIDisplay.
The utility class for BukkitGUIHolder
BukkitInventoryEvent<T extends org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent>
The Bukkit inventory event
The InventorySize of Inventory
The Bukkit item
The item builder
The Bukkit implementation of OpenEvent
Methods on Bukkit
The utility class to register Bukkit variables to the VariableBundle
The BungeeCord Configuration
The sub-channel for the main BungeeCord channel
Methods for BungeeCord communication
The data output consumer
An interface for all buttons
The button map used by GUIHolder
The mask with a map of slot and button
The button paginated mask, those with a long list of Button divided into pages.
The base class for caching value
The event that can be cancelled
A variant of PathString that is case-insensitive.
String Hash Map but case-insensitive
Linked String Map but case-insensitive
String Map but case-insensitive
The base channel
The base channel
The listener of Channel
The event when a player clicks on the UI
The utility to work with AdvancedClickType
The client
The event when a player closes the UI
Methods on collections
Methods to colorize strings
The action to execute a command
Comment annotation for ConfigPath
The comment type
The common license properties for LicenseProperties
The utility class to register common variables to the VariableBundle
The interface for all configurations
The main class of the config proxy system.
The internal invocation handler to map the interface to the config
The config node for a method in the interface
The main annotation to set the config path
The Config implementation for Configurate
The action to execute a command as console
Check if the 1st string contains the 2nd string
Ex: STRCT("this", "is")
The converter for ConfigPath to convert the object to the raw value stored in the config and vice versa
A provider for the Converter
A simple cron-time manager to manage next execution time
The data converter, which converts the raw object to the final object and vice versa
An interface for Expansion to make it easier to get the data folder
A decorative Config for extending more features on the existing Config
The default Converter, which does nothing, so the raw value and the final value are the same type
A manager to specify a default Converter for a type
The handler for default methods in interfaces
The action to delay the next action
A custom inventory used by MinestomGUIDisplay
Sort and filter the expansions based on their dependencies
The display
A button that is displayed on the inventory
The downloader
The download information
The DownloadInfo loader
A driver for database connection
The dummy button with only the item
The durability modifier
The enchantment modifier
Check if the 1st string ends with the 2nd string
Ex: STREDW("String", "ing")
Check if the 1st string is the same as the 2nd string
Ex: STREQ("str1", "str1")
Check if the 1st string is the same as the 2nd string (case-insensitive)
Ex: STREQIC("Str1", "str1")
An interface for an expansion instance
The class loader of the expansion
The exception thrown when the ExpansionClassLoader throws an exception
The description for the Expansion
A class that manages all Expansions
The state of the Expansion
The expression manager
The mass builder for the functional value.
An interface for Expansion to make it easier to get the class loader
The latest commit checker for the GitHub repository
The release version checker for the GitHub repository
The Config implementation for Gson
The factory that loads the ExpansionDescription from the json file of the jar file
Some utilities for Gson
GUIDisplay<H extends GUIHolder<?>>
The base Display for UI in Minecraft
GUIHolder<D extends GUIDisplay<?>>
The base Holder for UI in Minecraft
The extra properties for the GUI
A driver for H2
The driver for H2 (Embedded Mode)
A driver for H2 (In-Memory Mode)
A driver for H2 (Server Mode)
The Hibernate client
The SQL client with HikariCP
Holder<D extends Display>
The holder for all displays
The mask that views multiple masks
The interface for some classes than can be updated with the identifier
A key to get value from the download info
The interface for some classes than can be initialized
The button that stores the input item
The factory that loads the ExpansionDescription from the InputStream of the jar file
The InputStream loader for DownloadInfo
The exception when the expansion description is invalid
The exception thrown when the file is not a valid Expansion file
An implementation of GUIDisplay for Inventory-based GUI
The position of the inventory
The size of the inventory
The interface for an item
The item builder
An extension to ItemModifier to compare the modifier of an item
The item flag modifier
An extension of ItemComparator for ItemMeta
The ItemMeta modifier
The item modifier
Methods on items
The session of the item check.
The SQL client with the Java's Driver Manager
A simple DownloadInfoLoader that loads the download info from a JSON file.
The Logger for Logger
Get the length of the string
Ex: STRLEN("Hello World")
The license checker
The license properties
The result from LicenseChecker
The status of the license
LightningConfig<F extends>
The Config implementation for SimplixStorage
The PositionIterator that iterates in a linear way
The linear subject
The button with a list of child buttons
The mask with a list of child masks
The driver for local connection
The PositionIterator for Location
The logger
The service to get the logger
The service provider for LoggerService
The log level
The lore modifier
The factory that loads the ExpansionDescription from the manifest of the jar file
A simple DownloadInfoLoader that loads the download info from a map.
The factory that loads the ExpansionDescription from the information map of the jar file.
Methods on Map
A driver for MariaDB
The interface for all masks
The mask paginated mask, those with a long list of Mask divided into pages.
The slot for the mask.
The utility class for Mask
The builder that can build multiple outputs from the input.
Check if the 1st string matches the RegEx pattern from the 2nd string
Ex: STRMP("String", "String-?")
The material modifier
Methods on messages on Bukkit
The click type of Minecraft
The cancellable event for Minestom
The click event for Minestom
The close event for Minestom
MinestomEvent<T extends net.minestom.server.event.Event>
The base event for Minestom
The GUIDisplay for Minestom
The GUIHolder for Minestom
The InventorySize of Inventory
The item for Minestom
The open event for Minestom
The viewer event for Minestom
A version checker for Modrinth
The masks with multiple slot
A driver for MySQL
The name modifier
The NBT Modifier
The default method handler for Java 9+
The null button, only with action
The default method handler for Java 8
The animated mask with child masks as frames, but only run once
The action to execute a command as op
The event when a player opens the UI
The button that stores the output button for the viewer
Store the key and the value in pair
The path string to use in Config
The action to execute a command with permissions
Methods on Permissions
The JPA persistence client
The placeholder mask
Used for per-user masks
The action to execute a command as the player
The license checker for Polymart
The license entry for Polymart
A simple version checker for Polymart
The immutable 3D position / location / vector
The utility class for PositionIterator
A driver for PostgreSQL
The potion effect modifier
The button with predicates
The mask with predicate
A Converter to convert primitive types
The factory that loads the ExpansionDescription from the Properties file of the jar file
The PositionIterator that iterates randomly
The PositionIterator that combines multiple PositionIterator and randomly choose one
The generic request manager
The interface to consume the ResultSet
The interface to convert the ResultSet to the final object
A button paginated mask, where each Button is a page
The serializer
The setting for connection
A simple button
A simple ButtonMap with a list of Buttons
SimpleConfig<T extends org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration>
The Config implementation for SimpleYAML
A simple Converter that use an operator to convert raw value to final value
The builder for SimpleButtonMap
The simple mask with a single Button
The skull handler
The skull modifier
The Logger for Logger
The license checker for SpigotMC
The license entry for SpigotMC
A simple version checker for SpigotMC
The interface for SQL client
The executor to apply the PreparedStatement
A driver for SQLite
A driver for SQLite (File Mode)
A driver for SQLite (In-Memory Mode)
A driver for Microsoft SQL Server
Check if the 1st string starts with the 2nd string
Ex: STRSTW("String", "Str")
The PreparedStatement builder
The ButtonPaginatedMask with the static list of buttons
The MaskPaginatedMask with the static list of masks
The SequencePaginatedMask with the static list of buttons
A marker annotation to mark a field or method as a sticky value
The String Comparator
A simple interface for String replacement
Methods for String
The system Logger
The data storage for the task
The task pool of the BatchRunnable
The task process.
The action to tell a message to the player
BiConsumer but ignores exceptions
BiFunction but returns null if there is an exception
Consumer but ignores exceptions
Function but returns null if there is an exception
Supplier but returns null if there is an exception
The interface for some classes than can be updated
The user agent
Methods to validate
A variable
A bundle of variables that is useful for grouping variables
The variable manager for the instance
A session for replacing variables
The PositionIterator for Vector
The interface for the version checker
The helper class for server versions
The event that has a viewer
A simple InputStreamLoader that downloads files from a web stream
Methods on web
The PositionIterator for any type