All Packages

Package Summary
Contains the builder for Action
Contains common classes for actions
Contains the classes to convert values
Contains the implementation of Action for Bukkit
Contains the class to register the Action in me.hsgamer.hscore.bukkit.action to ActionBuilder
Contains the classes to work with me.hsgamer.hscore.minecraft.block in Bukkit
The classes for working with BungeeCord's channels
Contains the classes for advanced usage of ClickType
The config implementation for Bukkit
Contains the implementations of Converter and ConverterProvider for the Bukkit config
Contains the implementation of me.hsgamer.hscore.expansion for Bukkit
Contains the base classes for UI modules in Bukkit
Contains the pre-made Buttons for Bukkit
Contains the Bukkit implementation of the me.hsgamer.hscore.minecraft.gui.event
Contains the Bukkit implementation of me.hsgamer.hscore.minecraft.gui.object
Contains the classes to work with ItemStack
Contains the implementation of ItemModifier for ItemStack
Contains classes to handle SkullMeta
Contains the utilities for Bukkit
Contains the classes to work with variables in Bukkit
The classes for working with channels
The config implementation for BungeeCord
Contains the base classes for all checkers
Contains the checker for the GitHub repository
Contains the checker for Modrinth
Contains the checker for Polymart
Contains the checker for SpigotMC
Contains the implementation of Map
Contains the utilities for common use
Contains the base classes of the config
Contains the config's base classes
Contains the annotations to be used in modules that require configuration annotation
Contains some Converter for custom ConfigPath
Contains the implementation for Converter and ConverterProvider
Contains the manager for Converter
The config implementation for Configurate
The config implementation for Gson
Contains the base classes for the Dynamic Proxy Pattern of Config.
These classes are used to handle the default methods in interfaces.
The config implementation for SimpleYAML
The config implementation for SimplixStorage
Contains utility classes for cron-time
Contains the base classes to work with databases
Contains the implementation of Client for Hibernate
Contains the implementation of Client for Java Persistence API
Contains the base implementation of Client for SQL
Contains the implementation of SqlClient for H2
Contains the implementation of SqlClient with HikariCP
Contains the implementation of SqlClient with Java API
Contains the implementation of Driver for H2
Contains the implementation of Driver for MariaDB
Contains the implementation of Driver for MySQL
Contains the implementation of Driver for PostgreSQL
Contains the implementation of Driver for SQLite
Contains the implementation of Driver for Microsoft SQL Server
Contains the downloader's base classes
Contains the implementations of the DownloadInfoLoader interface.
Contains the objects for the downloader
Contains the implementation of the downloader classes with JSON
Contains the InputStreamLoader implementation for the URL
Contains the base classes to work on an expansion system
Contains the exceptions for the expansion manager
Contains the base classes for the expansion factory
Contains the extra classes to work with the expansion system at ease
Contains the extra classes to work with Expansion
Contains the extra classes to work with ExpansionManager
Contains the expansion factories that work with the Gson
Contains the expansion factories that work with the Manifest
Contains the expansion factories that work with the Properties
Contains the classes to work with expressions in EzyLang's EvalEx
Contains the operations and functions on numbers
Contains the implementation of StringComparator
Contains some extra classes for Java
Contains the implementation of Consumer
Contains the implementation of Function
Contains the implementation of Supplier
Contains the utilities to work with Gson
Contains the base classes for the license checker
Contains the implementation of LicenseChecker for Polymart
Contains the implementation of LicenseChecker for SpigotMC
Contains the base classes for the Logger
The JUL implementation of the Logger
Contains the classes to get the Logger using the Service Provider Interface
The SLF4J implementation of the Logger
The system implementation of Logger
Contains classes to work with blocks and locations
Contains the classes to adapt the block to a specific platform
Contains classes that bound the blocks
The implementation of me.hsgamer.hscore.minecraft.block
Contains the implementations of PositionIterator
Contains the base classes to iterate Position
Contains the utilities for me.hsgamer.hscore.minecraft.block
Contains the generic Minecraft interface for inventory click types
Contains the base classes for UI modules in Minecraft
Contains the advanced implementation of UI modules for Minecraft
Contains the base classes for buttons for UI in Minecraft
Contains the pre-made Buttons for UI in Minecraft
Contains the necessary classes for the events in the UI
Contains the base classes for masks in Minecraft's GUI
Contains the pre-made masks for Minecraft's GUI
Contains the objects for the GUI
Contains the simple implementation of UI modules for Minecraft
Contains the classes to work with Minecraft items
Contains the classes to work with Minestom's sidebar and scoreboard
Contains the base classes for UI modules in Minestom
Contains the Minestom implementation of the me.hsgamer.hscore.minecraft.gui.event
Contains the inventories used by MinestomGUIDisplay
Contains the Minestom implementation of me.hsgamer.hscore.minecraft.gui.object
Contains the classes to work with requests
Contains the serializer, which is used to serialize and deserialize objects
Contains annotations for me.hsgamer.hscore.serializer
Contains the classes to work with tasks and threads
Contains the elements to work with tasks
Contains the UI's base classes
Contains the property interface for some objects
Contains the classes to work with variables
Contains the classes to work with Web connections